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 Providing Quality Training and Assessment to the Construction Industry




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Why take on an Apprentice?
An apprenticeship delivers on-the-job training and leads to a nationally recognised qualification, such as an NVQ Level 2 and Level 3. Our programme is designed to help your employees achieve high levels of competency and performance. Many companies have noted the benefits of having an apprentice such as higher productivity, better-motivated staff and less staff turnover, as apprentices tend to remain at their company longer than non-apprentice staff. Having an apprentice is also cost effective, even in uncertain economic times, as they learn whilst they're on a job and the government contributes to the costs of training.

Since MEL started in 2001, we have helped to establish the careers of over 200 apprentices and continue to see great success with our apprenticeship programme. Our staff are experts in their field, with multiple years of experience, so can offer high quality training to all apprentices. Last year we had a success rate of 80% and are committed to improving this success rate in the future.

How does it work?
In terms of cost, the National Apprenticeship Service covers the training cost of apprentices depending on their age (see table below). Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding funding and eligibility.

NAS Contribution
16 - 18
19 - 24
Contribution for specified places

We operate a roll-on, roll-off programme so your apprentice can start at any time of the year. The programme is delivered over an 18 - 24 month period in which the apprentices will attend our workshop for a week of training, every six to eight weeks, and will also be visited and assessed onsite by out staff in-between. Some of the modules will require examinations and as MEL is an accredited examination centre, all apprentices can sit their tests within our training centre. Currently, apprentices can't take their Health and Safety test with us but we can do all of the preparation work and mock tests with them before arranging for them to take their test at a local examination centre. Below is the framework outlining the core modules of our apprenticeship programme:

NVQ – This is the practical side of the apprenticeship where digital evidence will be collected, when our assessors visit apprentices onsite, to confirm their skills. This will determine whether apprentices can implement the skills they've learnt in their work environment. Apprentices will be assessed against the marking criteria to determine if they're competent enough to be awarded an NVQ.

Functional Skills –  This module is integrated into the programme and teaches apprentices basic skill based around a construction site e.g. calculating how much plaster is needed for a wall.

Technical Certification/Diploma– This is the theory side of the apprenticeship and will enable apprentices to achieve their Level 2 Diploma. This part uses simulated conditions to train apprentices. It includes practical online end of unit tests and apprentices will also complete an online GOLA test (if applicable to their trade) to prove their knowledge.

To find out more about employing an apprentice contact our office and ask for the Marketing Department.